
Cockroaches as we know already are a big health hazard, that carry bacteria on their bodies which are transmitted to men, women and children giving rise to different forms of gastroenteritis including food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea. There are several species of cockroaches, but for the time being we will cover the five most dangerous and common cockroaches.

Our expertly trained staff in cockroach control and natural cockroach and all your other cockroachs pest control requirements are ready to get rid of them with out the fuss of emptying any cupboards using special non-toxic gel that will eliminate them for good.

We undertake cockroach pest control and cockroach control using products that are least chemical based, environmentally friendly and safe for children, family members, pets and plants. Besides this we use baits like insecticides, pesticides, traps and many other helpful pest control items.
By using our recommended professional cockroach control products you will easily and efficiently be able to get rid of cockroaches as well as saving your family from hazardous fumes and toxic-sprays..

American Roaches: –

Photo depicts in-star stages from ootheca-adult


  1. Largest of the domestic species
  2. Uniformly reddish to light brown color with a lighter pattern on the pronotum
  3. About one to two inches long
  4.  Both sexes are winged and are good and active fliers
  5. Female drops or glues ootheca one day after formation
  6. Nymphs mature in one to two years; live about one year as adult
  7. American roach droppings are often confused with mouse droppings due to size; roach droppings have grooves while mouse droppings are smooth with pointed ends



Oriental Roaches: –

Photo depicts in-star stages from ootheca-adult


  1. Dark brown to black color with no markings
  2. One to one and one-half inches long
  3. Neither can fly, female is wingless
  4. Female drops or attaches ootheca shortly after formation
  5. Generally regarded as the filthiest of cockroaches; lives in sewers and septic tanks
  6. Nymphs mature in about one year; live less than six months as adults
  7. The source of an infestation may be inside or outside, SOS carefully for control

German Roaches: –

Photo depicts in-star stages from ootheca-adult


  1. Reddish brown to tan in colour
  2. Two dark brown longitudinal stripes are visible on the entire body of nymphs but only on the
    Pronoun of the adult
  3. About three-quarters to one inch long
  4. These roaches have the greatest reproductive potential of the domestic species
  5. The female carries the ootheca (egg capsule) in her body until one day before hatching
  6. Both male and female are winged but do not fly
  7. Nymphs mature in one to three months; lives six months to one year as adult


Brown Banded Roaches:

Photo depicts in-star stages from oothecae-adult


  1. Light brown color and slightly smaller than the German roach
  2. Two lighter colored bands across the body
  3.  Both sexes are winged but do not fly
  4.  These roaches are often found in places not typical of cockroaches; inside furniture, inside stereos
    and televisions, behind pictures and draperies on the wall
  5. Female glues the ootheca to hidden surfaces
  6.  Nymphs develop in three to nine months; live about six months as adult

You can help control cockroaches

  • Indoor trash containers should be emptied frequently, kept clean both inside and out. Plastic bags lining trash containers can be kept closed with twist ties. This will prevent cockroaches from being attracted to the garbage area.
  • Filled indoor garbage containers should be removed from the dwelling immediately and placed in outdoor containers with tight fitting lids or dumpsters.
  • Keeping the area around dumpsters or other outdoor garbage storage areas clean and free of debris will also prevent cockroach infestations in the area.
  • Frequent emptying of sink strainers and running of the garbage disposal and will prevent food build up in the sink drain.
  • Washing dishes immediately after a meal will prevent cockroaches from consuming food residue on dishes. Unwashed dishes are a major source of food for German cockroaches.
  • Kitchen appliances (toasters, toaster ovens, microwaves, ovens, stoves, and refrigerators) should be kept clean and free of food particles and grease. Additionally, the areas underneath and behind these appliances should be kept grease and crumb free.
  • If pets are present, dry food should be kept in resealable containers. Do not leave food and water out all the time.
  • Feed your pet at particular times and clean up after every meal.
  • All foods products should be resealed after opening, stored in plastic snap-lid containers or kept in the refrigerator.
  • Regular sweeping/vacuuming of floors and furniture where people eat (i.e. kitchen table or in the living room in front of T.V.) help to eliminate cockroach food sources.
  • Any small gap or hole that leads to a void is a prime cockroach harboring area. Cracks and crevices of this kind should be sealed with a tube of caulking.
  • Removing clutter (boxes, bags, clothing, toys, food, books, papers etc.) eliminates cockroach harbourages and breeding areas. It is essential to keep all areas of the home, especially the kitchen and bathroom, uncluttered and free of useless debris.
  • Outside, remove debris and trash from around the house.
  • Stack firewood far away from the house, as this is a prime harborage area for cockroaches.
  • Keep shrubbery and ornamentals well trimmed.
  • Keep palm trees free of loose and dead palm branches and remove all palm debris.
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All our operators have access to the full armory of environmental home pest control tools which includes the latest testing and monitoring equipment. 1300 131 080 0415 379 408
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